OPEN HOUSE, 2016, Charter Oak Cultural Center, Hartford, CT
 HOME, 2016, Stamford, CT Government Center
 HOME, 2016, Stamford, CT Government Center
 HOME, Detail
 HOME Participants
 HOME Participant
 HOME Participant
 HOME Participant
 HOME Participants
 Ross Burkhardt, Director of New Neighborhoods, Inc., Moderates the Press Conference Celebrating the Installation of   HOME   in the Stamford, CT Government Center, November, 2016
 Tamara Dimitri, Art in Public Spaces Program Specialist, State of CT, Office of the Arts, Speaking on the Value of Public Art Projects Like HOME.
 OPEN HOUSE at the Charter Oak Cultural Center, Hartford, CT
 OPEN HOUSE at the Charter Oak Cultural Center, Hartford, CT, Detail
 OPEN HOUSE at the Charter Oak Cultural Center, Hartford, CT, Detail
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